Siberian Pine Nut Oil for Heartburn

This is the body’s reaction to the reflux of acid into the esophagus, in rare cases, pathology occurs on an empty stomach. What are the folk remedies for heartburn? Let’s take a closer look at this issue.

Siberian Pine Nut Oil for Heartburn

Many people are familiar with an unpleasant condition – heartburn, which is characterized by a certain burning sensation along the esophagus, behind the sternum. Most often, patients who have a problem: gastritis with high acidity are faced with such an unpleasant manifestation. In such a situation, heartburn occurs half an hour after a meal. This is the body’s reaction to the reflux of acid into the esophagus, in rare cases, pathology occurs on an empty stomach. What to do, what are the folk remedies for heartburn? Let’s take a closer look at this issue.

Heartburn is not necessarily a companion of high acidity – it can also occur with reduced gastric secretion, which is typical in chronic atrophic gastritis or in old age. Heartburn is usually accompanied by painful abdominal cramps, belching.

This unpleasant condition causes:

  • drinking carbonated drinks that contain citric or phosphoric acid, irritating the esophagus;
  • eating fried, sour or smoked food;
  • smoking abuse;
  • the lower sphincter that is not tightly closing in the esophagus;
  • neuropsychic and emotional disorders; pregnancy;
  • individual intolerance to certain products;
  • excessive overeating.

When heartburn occurs, treatment with folk remedies can relieve unpleasant symptoms.

If the disease is serious, chronic, medical measures and drugs are needed. In an integrated approach, natural products will also help – plants, oils from them. Natural remedies are good for preventing disease and early on. They are safer than pharmaceutical drugs and are better perceived by humans.

Many oils are good for the digestive tract

Natural raw-pressed vegetable oils are very useful for the digestive system, for its normal operation, for prevention and recovery (not to be confused with store-bought “cold-pressed” – these are two different things). The benefits of vegetable oil for the stomach have been known for a long time in folk medicine. A number of essential fatty acids pass from plants to oil. Linolenic, linoleic, oleic acids are not synthesized in the human body. They can only be ingested with food, namely, with oils they are best absorbed.

Treatment of gastrointestinal diseases with real raw-pressed 1000% natural pine nut oil is currently considered the most effective!

Cedar nut oil is often used for heartburn. Take a similar drug before a meal, for half an hour, 1 tsp. A week later, the result will appear – heartburn and spasms will pass, the function of the gastrointestinal tract will improve.


Take on an empty stomach 30-60 minutes before a FOOD.
ENHANCED dosage: 10ml (tablespoon)
3 times a day for the first 1-2 weeks.
RECOMMENDED dosage: 5 ml (teaspoon)
3 times a day for 4-6 weeks.
PREVENTIVE dosage: 5ml (teaspoon)
1 per day.

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Posted by: Siberian Flavor Team