Siberian Nut Butter made of Pine Nuts

Nut butter Urbech is a paste of nuts, seeds, or fruit pits, which is obtained by grinding them with stone millstones to obtain an oily substance. There is information that Urbech cures many diseases.

Nut butter Urbech is a paste of nuts, seeds, or fruit pits, which is obtained by grinding them with stone millstones to obtain an oily substance. Today, in the age of high technologies, this method seems interesting, doesn’t it? But this is not surprising at all: Urbech was invented in the Caucasus mountains many centuries ago. They took nut butter with them to the mountains in order to quickly replenish their strength on difficult ascents. Indeed, nut butter is a very high-calorie dish, and even a small amount of it satiates very quickly. However, kilocalories are not the only thing that nut butter is rich in.

Urbech for health

There is information that Urbech cures many diseases. This is quite understandable: nuts, fruit pits, and seeds contain a huge amount of vitamins and minerals that help our body during difficult periods of seasonal epidemics or simply when we are tired. Each type of Urbech has its own special properties. Most of the urbeches raise immunity, debugs the work of the gastrointestinal tract, the nervous and genitourinary systems. The oils in the nuts increase skin elasticity and improve the condition of hair and nails.

Is Urbech a superfood?

Modern adherents of proper nutrition often call Urbech a superfood for a huge amount of vitamins and microelements. Therefore, urbech is essentially the quintessence of benefits. Urbech nut butter contains natural nut oils that help to preserve and then assimilate fat-soluble vitamins in its composition.

Is Urbech tasty?

Most urbech pastes have a fairly neutral taste, so they are often supplemented with honey, butter, cocoa, syrups, coconut flakes, and sometimes garlic, spices, and salt. Therefore, sweet urbech can be used as fillings, added to cereals, smoothies, and salted salads added to side dishes, and used as a sauce.

Perhaps the only downside to this tasty and healthy superfood is its calorie content. Many nutritional experts recommend not consuming more than 2 tablespoons a day unless you are gaining weight.

Our store offers a wide selection of Urbech pasta.

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Posted by: Siberian Flavor Team