Siberian Herbal Teas

The selection of Siberian herbal teas for the manufacture of herbal teas is carried out according to recipes of both traditional and herbal medicine.

10 Facts about Siberian Pine

Siberian Herbal teas made on the basis of herbs, berries and fruits of valuable medicinal plants of Altai. Due to the unique natural properties of the components of the Altai herbal tea, it contributes to the maintenance of vitality, regulates internal metabolic processes, increases the body's defenses, has a general strengthening and healing effect. Altai tea herbal teas (herbal teas) do not contain artificial additives, flavors and other components of non-natural origin. The Altai Territory, where the components for the herbal teas presented by us are collected, belongs to one of the most environmentally friendly regions in the world.

Herbal tea for each day

The composition of natural Altai herbal tea includes medicinal herbs, berries, fruits, and other components of plant origin with pronounced healing properties. In terms of its taste and aromatic properties, Altai phytotea is a worthy substitute for the drink we are used to from a tea leaf, and in terms of its positive effect on our body, it practically has no analogues, including among other well-known herbal teas. The closest teas in health-improving effect can be prepared from the herbs of the Caucasus, but the unique ecology of Altai makes its invaluable contribution and allows us to confidently call Altai phyto teas the best of the best.

How herbal tea is created: composition and technology

The selection of herbal teas for the manufacture of herbal teas is carried out according to traditional recipes of traditional medicine, as well as modern scientifically based recommendations of official medicine. Each of the companies, whose herbal tea is presented in our online store, has its own qualified herbalist (and often a whole state) and has its own procurement base. The latter achieves high quality of raw materials, and the first is the high efficiency of ready-made tea collections. The organization of production at the level of the best world enterprises, the technology of drying, packaging and storage of collections, which has been proven over the years, allows us to guarantee customers the highest quality, absence of impurities, efficiency and good taste of the offered Altai herbal teas (presented in our catalog).

By its composition, herbal tea is conventionally divided into three groups:

  • mono-tea - the drink consists of one medicinal plant;
  • herbal collection - the drink consists of a collection of several medicinal herbs;
  • tea based on tea leaves with herbs - the usual tea leaves are enriched with medicinal herbs.

How to choose herbal tea?

When choosing herbal tea, be sure to pay due attention to its description and specification. Most of the presented herbal preparations were compiled by specialists from manufacturing companies, taking into account the most effective composition for the treatment of a particular disease. When choosing, take into account the individual needs, characteristics, predisposition of your body to these diseases. It should be remembered that the composition of the collection you have chosen should not include components that cause you allergic reactions.

The scope and healing effect of each of the teas presented in our store are described on the product page. For example, the collection "Cardiovascular" is intended to strengthen blood vessels and improve heart function, has a calming effect. It contains hawthorn, strawberry, clover, raspberry, valerian, ziziphora - effective fortifying and soothing fruits and herbs.

How to drink herbal tea?

On the product page you will find detailed recommendations for the use of the product indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging. In general, the answer is simple: the preparation of herbal teas is almost the same as any other tea we are used to.

The benefits of Altai herbal tea

Herbal tea will help you lose weight, raise immunity, improve men's and women's health, increase the body's resistance to viral and infectious diseases, relieve stress from daily stress, give you strength and energy.

Today, more and more professional physicians recommend Altai herbal tea as an effective addition to the ongoing drug treatment. And we are confidently joining these recommendations: tea based on the collection of unique Altai herbs has a truly magical healing power!

To achieve the maximum (!) tangible general health effect, we recommend:

  • regular course drink;
  • alternation of herbal teas of different composition;
  • enrichment of the intake with beekeeping products, extracts of berries and fruits (jam).

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Posted by: Siberian Flavor Team