Pine Resin as the Best Medicine for Wound Healing

Siberian Pine conquered humanity with its ability to heal people from many ailments. One of the main jewels of Siberian pine is its resin. Pine resin, or sap, has healing and anesthetic power.

Pine Resin as the Best Medicine for Wound Healing

Siberian Pine conquered humanity with its ability to heal people from many ailments. One of the main jewels of Siberian pine is its resin. Pine resin, or sap, has healing and anesthetic power.


When there were no antibiotics and antiseptics in Old Russia, people found that pine sap could fight the most problematic old wounds and even defeat gangrene. They soaked the tampon with pine resin heated in a steam bath to 140 degrees Fahrenheit and applied it to the damaged area. Thus, it was possible to cure boils, abscesses, and burns. The gum can soften, draw out pus, and heal wounds.

If someone had broken bone, the Siberian people used a resin-based ointment, so the fracture healed faster. They boiled a mixture of 1 tablespoon of resin, a tablespoon of crushed comfrey in a small pan for 15 minutes. Used as compresses at night.

Adults in villages and towns always used pine resin instead of a whole department of modern dentistry. Pine resin soothed toothaches, healed bleeding gums. They just kept it under the tongue for 15 minutes.

How to make pine resin balm

Pine resin itself is bitter and tart in taste. It isn’t easy to consume it raw. With modern technology in today’s folk medicine, Siberian Pine Nut Oil Enriched with Pine Resin or turpentine balm or resin extract has found wide application.

If you take a piece of softened pine resin into a bowl with natural pine nut oil, add weight for pressure from above, then the extraction process begins. If pine nut oil got obtained by cold pressing, it would pull all contained chemical elements out of the resin. A similar process makes many medicinal tinctures.

As a result, we get the oil enriched with pine resin’s beneficial elements. This product is Siberian Pine Nut Oil Enriched with Pine Resin. It is a delicious product that has the same properties as 100% natural pine resin. The oil is easy to use both internally and externally.

Health benefits

The gum spirit of turpentine is one of the pine resin derivatives. It contains 80% pinenes (raw material for camphor). That’s why it is useful in diseases of the cardiovascular, respiratory, and nervous systems.

Stomach ulcers

If taken internally, the resin can treat duodenal and stomach ulcers. It is necessary to drink balm inside, 2-3 drops three times a day for the first week, and gradually increasing the dose to 15 drops, but under medical supervision. The course of treatment is one month. If the disease is chronic, you need to repeat the course after a month’s break.

Skin lesions, dermatoses, wounds

To heal external skin lesions, add 5-10 drops to a cotton swab and gently apply to the affected area.

Flu, viral infections

The use of resin is essential during a flu epidemic. To protect yourself from harmful bacteria and viruses before leaving the house, you need to lubricate the sinuses with balm and drip five drops into your mouth.

There is no need to prove pine resin’s significance today. It is an axiom confirmed by life. Just remember: life-giving pine sap will always come to the rescue and heal in skillful hands.

Want to find out the full composition of Siberian Pine Nut Oil Enriched with Pine Resin? Why does it treat gastritis and heartburn, and other internal and external diseases? 

Read the article “Resin Extract — Composition, Ingredients, Effects on the Body”.

Sources and References

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Posted by: Siberian Flavor Team