Healing properties of Siberian Pine products

Natural antiseptic — this is how Siberian pine is called in Russia. Let’s talk about pine trees’ healing properties and the most valuable Siberian pine nut oil in the world.

Healing properties of Siberian Pine products

Natural antiseptic — this is how Siberian pine is called in Russia. Let’s talk about pine trees’ healing properties and the most valuable Siberian pine nut oil in the world.

Siberian pine is the pride of Siberia. This evergreen tree not only pleases with mighty appearance but is also number 1 among natural medicines. Almost every part of the tree is used as a raw material for a natural pharmacy: pine needles, nut shells, pine nuts, tree resin, wood sawdust. Yet the primary value is pine nut oil, which is obtained by pressing nuts.

1. Rejuvenation of Body (Antioxidant Effect)

Cold-pressed pine nut oil is the leader among all vegetable oils in vitamin E (tocopherol) content. Compared to olive oil, pine oil has five times the tocopherol content.

Vitamin E is a group of fat-soluble compounds that protect human cells from oxidation and damage. Regular take of pine nut oil slows down the body’s aging process, as oil serves as a barrier to free radicals’ formation, caused by oxidation and cell damage.

2. Detox Cleansing of Body

The most famous natural antiseptic in Russia is pine resin. Zhivitsa is the Russian name for the resin of coniferous trees. Its scientific name is turpentine. It penetrates all parts of the tree trunk and is released when the tree is damaged. Resin freezes on the damaged area, protecting the tree from the invasion of pathogenic fungi, bark beetles, and other pests. Thus, it promotes wound healing. In the open air, the resin quickly thickens, changes color to dark brown.

Pine resin has diterpene acids (up to 70%), terpenes, macro and microelements, and group B vitamins. That’s why resin has pronounced antibacterial, antiseptic, painkiller, and wound-healing activities on the human body thanks to composition.

Pine resin is difficult to use in its pure form, as it is hard and bitter. Therefore, it is mainly added to pine nut oil to obtain turpentine balsam or resin extract.

3. Boost Energy Levels and Performance

The vegetable protein of pine nuts is ideally balanced and close in composition to proteins of human tissue. Pine nuts contain essential amino acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals. 19 amino acids have been identified in pine nuts’ proteins; 70% are indispensable or conditionally essential. Thus, taking pine nuts have a beneficial effect on body growth and development, regulates the nervous system, and improves blood cells. Pine nuts are an excellent remedy against vitamin B deficiency, which causes severe disorders in the body’s activity.

4. Ideal Dietary Supplement

Pine nut flakes, or cake, are the remains after pressing nuts to obtain cold-pressed pine nut oil. In appearance, flakes resemble muesli. Pine nut muesli is high in protein, amino acids, vitamins, and highly digestible fiber. Its rich mineral and vitamin composition is beneficial for the human body.

Even after pressing, there are up to 20% oil remains in a flake. This is its advantage — low-calorie content due to the reduced fat content. It saturates the body with essential substances and causes a feeling of fullness. At the same time, it helps to normalize metabolism, reduce harmful cholesterol.

Pine nut flakes are perfect for adding to cottage cheese, yogurt, or ice cream.

5. The Most Powerful Bactericidal Effect

Everything in the Siberian pine tree — needles, resin, wood — has a high phytoncidity. A hectare of forest releases more than 30 kg of volatile organic substances per day, expressing massive bactericidal power.

This amount of phytoncides is enough to neutralize all pathogenic microbes in a big city. Berries and plants growing in pine forests are richer in vitamins and provitamins than those growing in other woods. This is since phytoncides actively promote vitamins and other biologically active compounds in plants and fruits.

Siberian pine essential oil has the same bactericidal effect as it is obtained from pine needles. The main impact on the body is anti-inflammatory. As a prophylactic agent, it is better to use aroma lamps or aroma medallions with pine essential oil.

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Posted by: Siberian Flavor Team