Healing power of Siberian Pine

The healing properties of pine have been known to folk medicine since ancient times. Literally everything in pine from green needles to pieces of bark – has healing powers.

Healing power of Siberian Pine

The healing properties of pine have been known to folk medicine since ancient times. Literally everything in pine – from green needles to pieces of bark – has healing powers.

Historical reference

In the Middle Ages, Europe was confronted with a disease that struck, like divine punishment, the warriors who besieged cities and the besieged. Later, this disease became a real scourge of sailors and travelers. It was scurvy. Russian captain Vitus Bering, the discoverer of the strait between Asia and America, died from scurvy. Its victims were the explorer of the polar lands Bill Barents, the polar explorer Georgy Sedov. Because of scurvy, only 65 of Magellan’s 265 satellites returned home. Outbreaks of this disease also raged on land, including in the European part of Russia (in 1849-1858, several tens of thousands of inhabitants died from scurvy in Russia). However, the indigenous population of Siberia did not know scurvy.

Russian naturalist, member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences Pyotr Simon Pallas (1741-1811) wrote in Flora of Russia: “Young siberian pine tops gathered at the ends of branches are boasted by all our industrialists and sailors in Siberia as the best anti-scorb and balsamic remedy and medical science is an excellent remedy for scurvy diseases. ” The scientist pointed out that the tops of pine were exported from Siberia to foreign pharmacies in large quantities. At that time they already knew that the Siberian flora was very different from the European flora. Against scurvy, a medicine was prepared from green young cones, which had to be crushed, rubbed with chopped radish, then add honey and water and, letting it brew for several hours, squeeze. This juice was recommended to be drunk with milk or whey.

Juice was squeezed out of young green cones, which was called balsam, mixed with fat and used for wounds. Green cones were chopped, soaked in whey and drunk for gout. They were considered a good remedy for the treatment of respiratory diseases, gastritis, stomach ulcer.

Clay tablets of the Sumerians, found during archaeological excavations of the ancient Sumerian kingdom, confirm that even 5 thousand years BC. extracts, decoctions of needles were used in the form of compresses, poultices. But the resin of the pine was no less appreciated in prehistoric times. A bowl of pine resin was included in the initiation ritual of the kings of Khorasan (Great Khorasan included parts of the modern territories of Iran, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan).

Pine resin has high bactericidal and healing properties. During the Great Patriotic War, pine balsam made from resin was widely used in Siberian hospitals precisely as a bactericidal and wound-healing agent. The tampons soaked in pine balsam protected the wounds from infection, stopped the onset of gangrene.

What is the strength of the pine?

The pine’s healing raw materials are needles, resin (sap), seeds (nuts), as well as their shells, buds and young tops.

Only one hectare of pine forest per day releases enough phytoncides to neutralize all pathogenic microbes in a big city!

Pine needles contain essential oils (more than 2%) and carotene (provitamin A). The needles also contain useful trace elements (phosphorus, iron, manganese, copper, etc.) and ascorbic acid (from 250 to 350 mg).

Pine resin (oleoresin) in its composition contains gum turpentine (about 20%), resin, which contains up to 77% resin acids and about 0.3% higher fatty acids.

Fats (up to 63.38%), which are well absorbed by the human body, proteins (16.82%), carbohydrates (13.26%), glucose (2.03%), lecithin (1.63%) are found in the kernels of pine nuts. ), ash (2.57%). Seed protein is rich in amino acids, most of which are essential. The seeds contain a fairly high concentration of vitamin D, vitamin E and B vitamins. Nuts contain useful trace elements, including copper, manganese, zinc and iodine (which is especially important for regions where there is a lack of this trace element – the Siberian region also belongs to them).

The shell of pine nuts also contains nutrients. It contains macro- and microelements, lignin (52.8%), cellulose (32.4%), fats and resins (5%).

Useful properties of cedar

How do you use all these treasures? The simplest but most difficult thing is to settle near a cedar forest. A hectare of cedar forest releases more than 30 kg per day. volatile organic substances – phytoncides, which have an enormous bactericidal effect. According to researchers, this amount of phytoncides is enough to neutralize all pathogenic microbes in a big city.

Phytoncides also have a beneficial effect on humans. It is useful for people prone to various kinds of nervous disorders, insomnia to spend more time in the cedar forest (it is a pity that most of us can only dream about this). But, as the saying goes, “If Mohammed does not go to the mountain, the mountain goes to Mohammed”: such patients can sleep on a bed made of cedar wood, instead of an ordinary pillow, have a pillow of fresh cedar feet. At least two birds with one stone are killed at once: you are resting in a cloud of phytoncides, in an almost sterile environment, and the nervous system during sleep is connected to a cedar energy battery (among other things, cedar is a donor plant). You can also put an aroma lamp with cedar essential oil in the bedroom, or spray it in the air.

You can also prepare preparations based on cedar. Due to their amazing composition, they will have a number of medicinal properties. When used correctly, cedar remedies are capable of exerting anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, expectorant, anti-asthmatic, hemostatic, blood-purifying, wound-healing, sedative, anti-scabby, diuretic effects on the human body. In addition, cedar preparations help to increase immunity, strengthen the nervous system and improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

The healing properties of pine needles

Cedar needles are the basis for the preparation of all kinds of decoctions, infusions and balms that help strengthen the immune system and replenish the body’s energy potential. It is often used as an effective diuretic, as well as in the complex therapy of bronchial asthma and other diseases of the bronchopulmonary system. It is well known that cedar needles are used as a source of medicinal phytoncides when carrying out health-improving bath procedures.

The healing properties of pine nut shells

The infusion made from the shell of pine nuts is prescribed for the effective treatment of neuroses, liver and kidney diseases, as well as for hemorrhoids. A decoction from the shell is prescribed for osteochondrosis, arthritis. Lotions and wraps have a positive effect on various skin diseases and burns. For colds, joint pains, rheumatism and gout, rubbing with tincture of pine nut shells is used.

Medicinal properties of pine resin

Zhivitsa is the resin of siberian pine. This name arose for a reason, because the resin is one of the most effective means for healing wounds. The resin has excellent antiseptic and bactericidal properties. It is used to treat purulent wounds, abscesses, burns and cuts of any severity. It is a wonderful remedy for the prevention and treatment of inflammatory diseases of the throat and nose. And the use of resin inside is used for gastritis and stomach ulcers.

The healing properties of the pine nut kernel

As scientific studies have shown, 100 grams of pine nut kernels satisfy the daily human need for amino acids and major trace elements such as manganese, zinc, copper, cobalt. Daily use of pine nuts significantly increases immunity, prevents atherosclerosis, and normalizes blood pressure. Pine nuts are extremely useful for men suffering from impotence.

Many healing balms, infusions, ointments, creams, multicomponent cosmetic products are prepared on the basis of pine nut kernels. “Lean milk” made from kernels is recognized as an effective treatment for pulmonary tuberculosis, disorders of the nervous system and kidney function.

Undoubtedly, the most famous pine nut derivative, which is not for nothing called a cure for 100 diseases, is pine nut oil. Its beneficial properties and action on the body are so diverse that it deserves a separate publication.

Folk recipes

Vitamin infusion from pine needles

Boil the young tops of the buds and needles with boiling water, at the rate of 100 grams of raw materials per liter of boiling water. Let it brew for 3 hours, then strain. The infusion is taken orally as a powerful general tonic and multivitamin, 1-2 glasses a day.

Infusion for the preparation of baths

Brew 1 kilogram of cedar needles for 3 liters of boiling water, leave for 4 hours, and then use to take a health bath. Preparation of infusion is possible at any time of the year, but only freshly harvested needles should be used.

Decoction of pine needles

Gently grind fresh young cedar needles in a porcelain mortar with a little water, then add water at a rate of 1:10, you can add a small amount of sugar to improve the taste. Boil the mixture for 20 minutes over low heat, then insist in a sealed container for 30 minutes, strain. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day.

Infusion of pine nut shells

Pour 2 tablespoons of crushed shells with 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, strain and drink before meals 1/2 cup 2 times a day. This infusion is most often used for diseases of the kidneys, liver, osteochondrosis, arthritis.

Tincture of pine nuts kernels

Peel 30 grams of nuts, pour 0.5 liters of vodka over them, leave for 40 days in a dark place, shaking occasionally. Take in the morning – 1 teaspoon for a week, then 1 tablespoon. This tincture is used for metabolic disorders, arthritis, osteochondrosis.

Pine balm for external use

Take 200 ml. 70% alcohol, 600 grams of chopped cedar needles and 50 grams of cedar resin (20%), mix and leave for 10 days in a cool dark place. The tool is effective for the treatment and prevention of periodontal disease and gingivitis, as well as disinfection of wounds. For use 10 ml. dilute the finished tincture in 100 ml. boiled water.

Finished products
Products based on cedar needles, pine nuts and shells, as well as cedar resin can be found in the following sections:

  • Pine oil (including resin for external and internal use);
  • Healthy food (pine flour, cereals, chewing gum);
  • Natural cosmetics (creams and scrubs, toothpastes);
  • Altai balsams (many balsams contain an infusion of shells, nuts or cedar needles).


Decoctions and infusions from cedar are usually well tolerated and have no significant contraindications, however, individual intolerance is possible. Particular attention should be paid to multicomponent ready-to-use preparations and cosmetic products, as well as their use in the presence of liver and kidney diseases. Carefully study the composition of the product and the manufacturer’s recommendations, be sure to consult with your doctor if you have current diseases.

Anyone who has ever visited a cedar forest will never forget that feeling of security, mighty strength and some amazingly kind energy emanating from the cedar. You do not want to leave this tree, and it turns out, not in vain.

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Posted by: Siberian Flavor Team