Antlers of the Altai maral

The maral antlers are immature deer antlers. They are filled with blood and covered with young thin skin. When, later, the horns are hardened, the hide disappears.

Antlers of the Altai maral

Maral is one of the noblest animals in Altai. The Tibetans believed that marals have their own soul, which continues to live even when the deer leaves for another world. These deer are rumored to be intermediaries between heaven and earth. The Chinese have a belief that you shouldn’t kill more than two deer a year. This can affect a person’s life in another world.

The maral antlers are immature deer antlers. They are filled with blood and covered with young thin skin. When, later, the horns are hardened, the hide disappears. In ancient times, to get the antlers of a deer, you had to kill the animal. Nowadays, thanks to the latest technologies, specialists carefully cut the antlers of a deer from May to August, when the animals show maximum activity. The procedure for cutting off the horns is painless, and the antlers grow back quickly. Now one maral can lose up to nine kilograms of horns.

Healing properties of maral antlers

Reading the myths of ancient China, you can see that the deer were on the same level with the gods, were their constant companions. It was also believed that maral antlers have magical and healing properties. Even ancient doctors used deer antlers in the treatment of purulent wounds, strengthening men’s health, restoring immunity, and treating chronic fatigue. The presence of natural vitamin complexes helps in the recovery of the body after prolonged illness. In Russia, the medicinal properties of maral antlers began to be studied back in the nineteenth century. Even, to get antlers, marals are bred in captivity.

Deer antlers contain amino acids, vitamins, microelements and macronutrients, namely:

  • iron
  • calcium
  • magnesium
  • sodium
  • manganese
  • selenium
  • cobalt
  • copper
  • zinc
  • phosphorus and many others.

There are many trace elements in deer antlers that cannot be found simultaneously in any artificially created vitamin complex.

How are maral antlers obtained and where are they used?

Deer antlers can be obtained industrially. They can be dried in a vacuum, dried by freezing at low temperatures, dried traditionally, in an open way, but at the same time, pouring boiling water to remove parasites.

In medicine, maral horns are widely used. They have the following properties:

  • strengthen and tone
  • heal wounds
  • increase immunity
  • stimulate performance, mental and physical
  • used in the treatment of infectious diseases
  • used in cosmetology
  • remove and treat sexual problems, namely frigidity and impotence.

Altai deer antlers are a good natural antidepressant that is not addictive.

Recently, antlers of the Altai deer have been widely used in cosmetology. Antler powder is added to cream, lotions, which are used to rejuvenate and tone the skin of the face, hands, décolleté, to relieve point inflammations.

The pharmaceutical market widely offers antler powders and compressed powder tablets, alcohol infusions, herbal balms, concentrates used for baths.

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Posted by: Siberian Flavor Team